Industry Insights
Hillphoenix has accumulated a wealth of information over the years and we are eager to share it with you. From associations and universities to government agencies and industry experts – we are constantly looking for new trends, ideas, innovations, customer insights, and more that will give you a competitive advantage. Browse through our Insights Library below and be sure to check back often. We have new insights all the time.

A Better Way to Store and Display Beef and Chicken
Failure to provide the needed climate for the meat can result in…

AdaptaPak Puts Grocers on the Path to Increased Profitability
Refrigeration is one of the single largest ongoing costs a food retailer faces…

Do Your Meat, Poultry and Seafood Have Integrity?
In the retail food industry, you’ll often hear the phrase “product integrity”…

CO2 Transcritical Booster Systems
Refrigeration systems for supermarkets and other applications have been evolving toward the use of environmentally friendly natural refrigerants over the past couple of decades.

DeCO2ded – Understanding ROI on CO2 Refrigeration Systems
Determining ROI on a CO2 system requires a number of variables. By analyzing those variables including the cost/benefit analysis, a retailer can gain a better understanding what they are…

Destination Centers Succeed at Driving Sales
Today’s destination centers offer fresh, fast and convenient food options and are designed with flexibility and versatility. This white paper covers the key considerations when creating a destination center…

Distributed Refrigeration – The Next Wave
In the case of distributed refrigeration systems, profitability and sustainability go hand-in-hand. This white paper illustrates the different approach of distributed refrigeration.

Get the Right Case for the Job
Decisions … decisions … decisions. So often in business and our personal lives we are faced with decisions whose outcome could have a significant impact on us based on…

How to Avoid 6% of Fresh Meat Sales From Going Down the Drain
There’s no denying that the prices for fresh beef are high. And, to add to that, the trend for most consumers leans toward proteins (chicken and pork)…

Ice Cream Product Integrity and the Importance of the Cold Chain
Cold Chains are common in the foodservice industry and offer a temperature-controlled supply chain that is maintain throughout the process of production through distribution.

Making the World a “Yealthier” Place
“Yealthier”??? No, that’s no typo and your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you…”

Meet Me at the Intersection of CO2 Technology and Humanity
Hillphoenix and KPS Global collaborate with Vermont Food Bank on environmentally sustainable refrigeration solution.

Public Health Food Safety Controls for Retail Hot Food Programs: Which Approach Works Best?
Food safety has long been a concern for food retailers, in particular, the Ready-to-Eat segment of the the business. This white paper explores the two approaches…

Putting a Little CO2 Spice Into Life…and Refrigeration
About four years ago, House of Spices decided to build their Chicago-area facility in Elk Grove Village, IL to better serve the Midwest region of the country…

Refrigeration 101 – Traditional and Secondary Supermarket Refrigeration Systems
We can best understand traditional and secondary supermarket refrigeration systems by looking at the differences between the two systems and how they operate.

Refrigeration Gets Greener
Refrigeration is getting greener. With supermarket retailers wanting a more energy-efficient and sustainable operation, an innovative approach to supermarket refrigeration enables stores to reach near-zero sustainable leak rates.

Research Shows Better Way of Storing & Displaying Meat, Poultry and Seafood
Today’s world of food retailing (grocery stores, supermarkets, etc.) is proving more competitive and complex to operate than ever.

Retail Meals-to-Go and the Battle for Dinner
The changing food retail environment is widespread and affecting supermarkets in a big way. With six different generations having different likes and shopping habits, retailers are trying to capitalize…

The Art of Lighting – Illuminating Your Every Day Shopping Experience
Failure to provide the needed climate for the meat can result in…

The Challenges of Retail Berry Marketing
More and more consumers recognize the benefits of berries – strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. – as superfoods and shoppers equate freshness with health.

The Effects of Lighting on Product Integrity
Lighting plays a pivotal role in every department of the supermarket. From ambient to display case lighting, light draws attention to products and attracts shoppers.

Three Ways Food Retailers Will Be Affected by New Commercial Refrigeration Standards—and How They Can Prepare
The DOE 2017 regulations apply exclusively to commercial refrigeration manufacturers, but they are likely to have significant impact on food retailers.

Understanding Conduction Case Cooling
Conduction-cooling applications can improve product integrity, food storage and display. This white paper outlines the alternative approach to supermarket display case cooling and the benefits to a retailers bottom…

When You Can’t Change the Direction of the Wind – Adjust Your Sails
Best Foods growth provided opportunity to upgrade their refrigeration technology.

You’re only as Good as the People That Surround You
Statistics show an emerging problem with the number of available qualified refrigeration technicians…
Close the Case (CTC) is a solution of adding a door retrofit to existing open cases…
Close the Case (CTC) is a solution of adding a door retrofit to existing open cases for retailers looking to reduce energy use, decrease shrink and encourage an increased…