Meal-centered “Occasions” Drive Prepared Food Sales

Getting customers to purchase your freshly prepared food instead of that of the restaurant down the street is the name of the game. Tailoring your food offerings to your customers’ needs is key to making that happen. Why are your customers eating what they do? What time of the day and days of the week are they coming in? Hint: They’re not just buying ready-to-eat lunches and family dinners anymore.
A study from Datassential identified a few lesser known “occasions” for customers buying ready-to-eat or semi-prepared meals. Up-and-coming urban areas may be saturated with young couples and singles looking for an impressive date night meal or dinner party dessert options. Suburban and family-oriented areas may go for affordable meals in larger quantities that will please the whole family. College towns might benefit from large platters of pre-made meals for social gatherings or school events.
Customer demographics should help define the flavor profiles and meal occasions you offer and the price points of the prepared food you sell. Knowing whether a good portion of your customers are millennials or baby boomers, singles or families, can help you tailor you meal options to increase sales and boost loyalty.
No matter the occasion, be prepared to offer what your customers crave. You’ll enjoy the benefits, and so will they!