How CO2 Training Plays a Critical Role in the Future of Refrigeration

The future refrigerants are geared towards the welfare of the environment. With sustainability at the core of the upcoming and existing refrigeration regulations from different agencies like EPA-SNAP and CARB, natural refrigerants are going to be the highlight in the commercial and industrial refrigeration industries moving forward.
Since natural refrigerants such as CO2 are not like the usual HFCs and CFCs refrigerants that we’ve been used to applying in the food retail industry, special skills and knowledge are needed by those who work in the refrigeration industry. CO2 refrigeration training for technicians, engineers, and contractors plays a critical role in the future of refrigeration.
CO2 Will Remain Compliant to Upcoming Refrigerant Regulations
The existing and upcoming refrigerant regulations, set by different environmental agencies, aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions and toxic refrigerants in the next few years to protect the earth’s atmosphere and curb the effects of climate change. That’s why natural refrigerants, such as CO2, which has a GWP of 1 and ODP of 0, are some of the most viable alternative refrigerants in the market today. The future-focused characteristics of CO2 allow it to remain compliant with existing and upcoming changes in refrigeration regulations. Training technicians and engineers for the proper use of CO2 used in the commercial and industrial refrigeration industry will allow them to keep up with future developments and stay ahead of the curve.
CO2 Refrigeration Training Will Equip Retailers
Whether charging CO2 refrigerant or changing oil in CO2 refrigeration systems, technicians and engineers must be fully knowledgeable when it comes to installing, operating, and maintaining CO2 refrigeration systems. Since CO2 operates at a much higher pressure than other synthetic refrigerants, a high level of training will give confidence to solutions providers in addressing current issues that surround the application of CO2 in refrigeration systems. Having well-trained engineers to install and operate your CO2 refrigeration system will save you cost, cut energy consumption and improve overall efficiency.
Technical and hands-on training for the use of CO2 in refrigeration is essential, and when done right, could have a huge favorable impact on your operation. Good thing there are training solutions providers like the Hillphoenix Learning Center that provide training to various organizations that are looking to educate contractors, engineers, employees, merchandisers, and customers on a host of refrigeration topics, including CO2. Although classroom learning is necessary, mixing it with real-world scenarios is key to empowering technicians and engineers in handling CO2 refrigeration systems and all their involved complexities.
The use of natural refrigerants is gaining popularity and more people are now aware of their benefits, not just for their business bottom line, but also for the environment. The use of CO2 is just one of the many developments we currently have in the refrigeration industry today. It is vital for our refrigeration solutions providers to have the right skills and knowledge to be at the forefront of this evolving technology and its applications.