Execute Menu Trends with Smart Space Design

When you hear about the latest food trends, one message will be clear to you — it’s time to step out of the standard sandwich, pizza, and sushi comfort zone and explore new possibilities. Don’t let your inspiration to play with new flavors or try new trends go to waste. Instead, learn how to design your retail space for trends while maintaining flexibility to consider other options in the future. Think about developing menu options based on food trends. Select equipment which would allow you to create a venue that will draw in shoppers.
As you ponder upcoming trends, it’s important to note if they are relevant to your geographical area and shopper demographics. Not all trends fare well in every space. While it’s important to expand options in your store, you’ll want to do so in a way that compliments local interests. Creating a menu that makes sense draws in the customers and, in turn, the revenue.
A set menu leads the way to proper planning and working with a professional will guide you through how to select equipment that not only serves up your latest menu but also allows for flexibility as trends change and shopper needs evolve. Making the most of your floor space is the key to efficient use of your investment and faster returns.
Now that you’ve planned your menu and designed the space to create your tasty offerings, it’s time to decide how to sell it. Will you sell the menu only as a service? Will you sell it just as a self-serve option? Or will there be a blend of both? Answering these questions will drive the decisions of cases and counters you’ll need, as well as how to drive traffic within your store to your new menu.
Selling a trendy menu can be a piece of cake with the right insights, planning tools, and execution plan. It will also help in setting your sights on expanding your offerings and your revenue for years to come.