Fresh Thinking Blog

Fresh Thinking Blog

To Retrofit or Build New Equipment: Retailers Dilemma amid Upcoming Refrigeration Regulations

The future of the commercial refrigeration industry is looking bright, but some challenges remain uncertain. There is one thing we are sure of though: refrigeration regulations are emerging, and it will greatly impact our industry in one way or another, coming sooner rather than later. Compliance with refrigeration regulations set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Energy, the U.S. Climate Alliance, the Natural Resources of Canada, and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) pose challenges to food-retailers across all sectors. These challenges will likely include adjustment to retail operations, refrigeration maintenance, and ensuring comprehensive knowledge on the [...]

By |December 31, 2021|

How Food Retailers Could Meet the Seafood Demand

Meal preparation and convenience have taken center stage with technology during the Coronavirus pandemic. And, since convenience and safety are in consumers’ minds for all the obvious reasons, fresh, frozen, and easy-to-prepare meals are topping sales charts. Seafood sales, both fresh and frozen, are seeing double-digit growth in 2020 and the growth is expected to continue. For food retailers, this is an opportune time to hit sales targets and capitalize on the trend as grocery stores have a great advantage and are picking up some of the restaurants’ losses. Here are some of the ways how food retailers could meet [...]

By |December 31, 2021|

How Food Retailers are Preparing for the Second Coronavirus Wave

At the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, food retailers were taken aback by unprecedented demand from consumers for essential items in store. From disinfectants and toilet paper to canned goods and frozen food items, retail stores experienced supply shortages. Meeting the demands of concerned consumers was almost impossible but somehow retailers found a way to adjust. So now, as we are beginning to experience another surge of COVID-19 across the country, how are food retailers preparing themselves? Here are some of the things retailers are doing: Food retailers are expecting customers to begin stockpiling again to prepare for the second [...]

By |December 31, 2021|

Supermarket Fresh Prepared Is Going to the Dogs (and Cats)!

The supermarket fresh prepared area is finally going to the dogs, but in a good way! Earlier this month, the What’s in Store booth at IDDBA s showcased a unique variation on meal kits, and yes, it’s going to the dogs and cats! While meal kits for humans are on the rise, the pet meal kits are a viable option for those retailers looking for ways to maintain a sustainability platform within their operation. By 2024, the global dog food market is projected to reach $100 billion, so this may be a great opportunity for retailers to gain additional sales [...]

By |December 31, 2021|

Lessons Learned — Share Experiences and Advice with “Newbies” in our Industry

Many of us are constantly learning new things every day, and if you are like me, you become a lifelong learner looking to better yourself with each day. Since this is American Education Week, I started to think about our industry and how we have a great amount of experienced professionals that install, service, troubleshoot and maintain equipment on a daily basis. They have stories to tell, experiences to share and great advice to impart — and who better to teach the “newbies” entering the field than those individuals. The tales that can been told are both valuable and sometimes, [...]

By |December 31, 2021|

Capable of Making a Difference — Give Your Refrigeration System a CO2 Boost

Many businesses in recent years have been looking to “future-proof” their operations and the food retail industry is no exception. Supermarkets, convenience stores, and other food retail establishments have been turning to products and services that offer an environmentally friendly alternative for their business. Refrigeration systems and display cases are no exception. Companies are seeking equipment that withstands the impact of climate change, is energy-efficient and can accommodate technological and regulatory changes for the foreseeable future. When it comes to refrigeration systems, advances in technology have given manufacturers the ability to build and create systems that stand up to those [...]

By |December 31, 2021|

Simplified Lunch – Where Flavor and Convenience Collide to Appease the Family Divide

Let’s be perfectly honest, kids would much rather have the option to eat “kid-friendly” foods than what grown-ups are eating. That pre-packaged snack meal or peanut butter and jelly sandwich are much more appealing than a salad, hummus, and vegetables or yogurt with fruit. Eating a healthy meal is imperative for growing children and providing that conveniently and on-the-go can sometimes be a challenge.  With grab-n-go on the rise, and the more time-starved consumers have become, eating healthy and eating foods we LOVE was recently served up at IDDBA19!  The perfect lunch concept was presented for “Work Lunches” targeted to adults [...]

By |December 31, 2021|

Four Revolutionary Ways Supermarkets are Using Technology to Change the Food Retail Industry

Technology has undoubtedly changed how we do business. Whether in healthcare, banking, or education industry, technology has disrupted the world now more than ever. And now, gone are the days when we trudge our shopping carts around grocery stores or wait tirelessly in line at check-out counters because technology is already catching up in the food-retail industry – and it is all for a greater good. Here are the four revolutionary ways supermarkets are using technology to change the food retail industry: Augmented Reality AR has greatly helped improve the shopping experience of customers over the past few years. In [...]

By |December 31, 2021|

Working From Home 101 – Working Outside of the Office Requires Focus and Strategy

  The workplace today has changed for the time being due to the recent challenges we are faced with and, for some of us, working from home is unchartered territory. Not only are we dealing with communicating with our customers and colleagues differently, but for some of us, we also have a spouse /partner /children sharing space and either working or struggling with the end of the current school year and trying to find balance. We are not alone in what is going on today, but there are ways to make working from home a little easier, so the transition [...]

By |December 31, 2021|

Food Safety in the Time of COVID-19

The fears over the Coronavirus (COVID-19) have led to anxiety over food safety throughout the world. In the United States alone, 64% of American consumers said they are avoiding eating out in the hope of eliminating the risk of contracting the virus. According to recent research, food safety trumps taste and is the number one priority for consumers in buying food due to the health crisis. Numerous households have widely adopted home-cooked meals while dine-in foods are upending.  With the Coronavirus health crisis looming and evolving, is it still safe to buy food outside (takeout, delivery, and curbside among others) [...]

By |December 31, 2021|
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