Fresh Thinking Blog

Fresh Thinking Blog

How to Achieve Optimum Energy Efficiency in Your Food Retail Stores

Energy management is essential when operating a retail store. Reducing energy cost and achieving optimal energy efficiency are priorities that retailers strive for especially in the food retail sector, where storing and processing food products entail using a lot of power. In the US, grocery stores consume an average electrical power of 52.5 kWh per square foot per year, with refrigeration and lighting accounting for up to 65% of the total use. At a time when the budget is most important, here are some of the ways that food retailers can achieve optimum energy efficiency and reduce daily energy usage: [...]

By |June 22, 2021|

It’s the Year of the Apps: How Grocery Apps are Becoming the New Normal

Mobile apps have, in one way or another, shaped how we live our day-to-day lives. From relying on mobile apps for networking, fitness, and even our health, apps are one of the most defining innovations brought about by the advancement of the digital world. Now, with the acceleration of the adoption of technology in the food retail industry, mobile apps are no longer optional for food retailers but it’s becoming a need.   Gone are the days when apps were just used to enhance customer shopping. Now they are a customer’s reliable and necessary companion when buying groceries whether in-store [...]

By |June 15, 2021|

EPA Moves Forward with Phase Down of Climate-Damaging Hydrofluorocarbons

WASHINGTON (May 3, 2021) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing its first rule under the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act of 2020 to phase down the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), highly potent greenhouse gases commonly used in refrigerators, air conditioners, and many other applications. The AIM Act directs EPA to sharply reduce production and consumption of these harmful pollutants by using an allowance allocation and trading program. This phasedown will decrease the production and import of HFCs in the United States by 85% over the next 15 years. A global HFC phasedown is expected [...]

By |May 7, 2021|

Is CO2 Giving Ammonia a Run for Its Money in the World of Industrial Refrigeration?

Since the early 1900s, ammonia has long been used as a major refrigerant in industrial refrigeration. Due to its thermodynamic properties, ammonia (NH3, R717) is used as a common refrigerant for large-scale, industrial applications and considered as a foundation for food processing and cold storage. As the use of natural refrigerants evolves, and through the advancement of technology in the refrigeration industry, several countries and multi-national companies are now seeing the great potential of CO2 as a refrigerant in industrial refrigeration. CO2 systems have been traditionally designed for commercial refrigeration applications; however, here are some of the reasons why CO2 [...]

By |April 26, 2021|

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed Food Retail and What Will It Look Like in the Future?

It has been one year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic. As a result, we have witnessed a sea of change in various industries worldwide, especially in food retail. There has been an accelerated adoption of online initiatives, exponential growth in demand for food products in supermarkets, and unprecedented consumer behavior changes. A year later, here are some of the ways COVID-19 has changed food retail and how its impact will be felt in the years to come: Increased Awareness of Food Safety The Coronavirus outbreak magnified the importance of prioritizing food safety in the country. [...]

By |April 19, 2021|

Debunking Myths on the Use of CO2 as a Refrigerant

In the mid-19th century, carbon dioxide was being used as a reliable and efficient refrigerant. However, with the introduction and wide use of synthetic refrigerants, such as HFCs and CFCs, the utilization of CO2 in industrial and commercial refrigeration decreased. Today, new refrigeration regulations are in place with the goal to reduce the use of harmful refrigerants. As a result, the adoption of natural alternatives is rising. According to sheccoBASE, the research arm of shecco, there have been 650 installations of transcritical CO2 in the US as of October 2020 with Europe leading the world in transcritical CO2 adoption with 29,000 [...]

By |April 9, 2021|

The Role of Technology in the Food Retail Industry

The advancement of technology in the food retail sector in 2020 has significantly helped retailers survive one of the most tumultuous times of our lives. Technology has greatly alleviated food retailers’ problems in terms of order and fulfillment, supply chain management, and other major business processes. This year, it is expected that technology will have a key role in the food retail industry as we continue to battle the winding effects of the pandemic. Expediting Online Fulfillment Through Technology The advent of digitalization undeniably accelerated how we do things in food retail. From manual brick and mortar stores, several retailers [...]

By |March 24, 2021|

Home Cooking and Shopping Trends to Lookout for in 2021

The global pandemic unexpectedly paved the way for families and households to get creative in the kitchen and continue to cook more meals at home. With the average American household spending $8 to $10 per meal at home, it is expected that home-cooked meals will boost grocery sales in 2021. Several shifts have happened in the past few months and consumers’ preference in buying and preparing foods are no exception. What has changed and what has stayed the same? Here are some of the home cooking trends in the food retail industry for 2021: Everything Fresh From fresh seafood to [...]

By |March 5, 2021|
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