How to Optimize Cold Storage for Food Retail and Industrial Applications
Through the years, cold storage has been a vital component in food retail and industrial operations. Commonly used by grocers to preserve food products and prolong the shelf life of perishable items, cold storage is employed as well by pharmaceutical industries to store temperature-sensitive products. Cold storage has been key to helping companies around the world achieve their business objectives. However, at a time when efficiency, convenience, and reliability are of paramount importance, ensuring cold storage facilities are running efficiently can make or break an operation’s success. Here are some ways how to optimize cold storage for food retail and [...]
Fresh Foods Department Sales Bounce Back in Food Retail Stores
The fresh foods department is one of the areas in supermarkets and grocery stores that has been badly hit with a downturn in sales this past year. Since most people stayed at home, had more time to cook, planned no gatherings, and had children who weren’t going to school, sales of fresh foods like bakery and deli plummeted. However, in the past few months, as vaccinations continue to roll out in different states, people are beginning to go out more, get together, and are eager to live their normal lives. These changes have resulted in a gradual rebound of sales [...]
Major Applications of Industrial Refrigeration Systems and Its Importance to Different Industries
Different industries around the world rely on industrial refrigeration systems to fulfill critical process requirements, such as cooling production processes, food safety, and cold chain management. It is estimated that the global industrial refrigeration system market will reach $25.1 billion by 2026. This growth in demand for industrial refrigeration systems is fueled by many factors, including the rising consumption of perishable food items, the government’s investment in reinforcing cold chain infrastructure, and the heightened demand for more innovative and sustainable refrigeration systems due to looming refrigerant regulations. Industrial refrigeration’s application in different industries has been substantial, making it one of [...]
Major Applications of Industrial Refrigeration Systems and Its Importance to Different Industries
Different industries around the world rely on industrial refrigeration systems to fulfill critical process requirements, such as cooling production processes, food safety, and cold chain management. It is estimated that the global industrial refrigeration system market will reach $25.1 billion by 2026. This growth in demand for industrial refrigeration systems is fueled by many factors, including the rising consumption of perishable food items, the government’s investment in reinforcing cold chain infrastructure, and the heightened demand for more innovative and sustainable refrigeration systems due to looming refrigerant regulations. Industrial refrigeration’s application in different industries has been substantial, making it one of [...]
Overall Health and Wellness Will Be Big in 2022—Here’s What You Need to Know
The new year is just around the corner and consumers’ pursuit for the betterment of their health and wellness goals will remain strong in 2022. Consumers have already begun investing in themselves and finding the importance of personal health and wellness as we continue to battle the pandemic health crisis. Food will greatly drive health and wellness goals in 2022. Here are some things you need to know: Consumer Fitness Goals The pandemic did not just trigger some health concerns, it also gained us a few unwanted pounds. That is why a number of consumers are targeting their fitness goals [...]
Here’s How Grocers Can Gear Up for the Upcoming Holiday Season
The next few remaining months of the year signal the start of the busy and exciting days ahead, especially for food retailers. This coming holiday season, consumers are eager and excited to celebrate with their loved ones as restrictions are beginning to ease and more people are getting comfortable adapting and living with the pandemic lifestyle. Since consumers were not able to gather for the fall and winter celebrations last year, it is expected that there will be an increase in consumer spending for the holiday season this year. Twenty-nine percent of US consumers are planning to spend more on [...]
Self-Contained Propane (R290) Display Cases Are the Future of Merchandising
Years of research regarding air pollution, how it affects the earth’s atmosphere, and climate change, have pushed people and industry to develop alternative behaviors and strategies to protect against harmful elements that have the potential to further destroy the environment. The refrigeration industry, in an effort to protect against global warming, has put forth initiatives to help eliminate harmful greenhouse gases. Government regulations continue to put the squeeze on synthetic refrigerant usage resulting in the rebirth of interest in natural refrigerants. HFCs, in particular, have been targeted by regulators as a result of research supporting HFCs as being harmful to [...]
The Past is Connected to the Present – History and Evolution of Natural Refrigerants
According to a famous American Astronomer, Dr. Carl Sagan, “You have to know the past to understand the present.” If history has taught us one thing, it is that the past is connected to things that are happening right now. Whether in business or in life, history tells us that in order for us to understand what is happening around us today, be it ideas, changes or events, we must learn to look back and understand its origin. In the refrigeration industry, the present push towards the use of natural refrigerants to curb the effects of climate change is not [...]
Back-to-School Food Products That Are on Top of Shoppers’ Grocery Lists This Year
Most school districts have opened for in-person education and parents are back working in the office, family meal preparations are slowly going back to pre-COVID days. However, the pressure for planning family meals has also resurfaced. That’s why easy and quick meal preparations are back gaining traction once again. Healthy and simple meals for the kids as they go back to school are one of the vital tools necessary to successfully navigate the school year ahead. As parents prepare for their children’s in-person education this fall, these back-to-school food products are on top of their grocery lists: Healthy Snacks Parents’ [...]
A Guide to Seafood Merchandising to Boost Grocery Sales
Product merchandising plays a key role in influencing store sales and bigger customer baskets. When it comes to merchandising food products, such as seafood which has been in the spotlight over the past few months, correct positioning and in-store promotions are essential to keep up with the demand and to keep sales growing. As customers continue to prioritize their health and wellness and become more conscious of what they eat, seafood remains on nearly every customer’s grocery list. This gives solid leverage for grocers wanting to take advantage of the opportunity by incentivizing them to strategize ways on how to [...]