Refrigeration Systems

Food Retailers’ Continuous Efforts for a More Sustainable Future

Several food retail organizations across the country are actively adopting sustainable initiatives as looming refrigerant regulations from state and national environmental agencies continue to put pressure on them. The use of natural refrigerants in commercial and industrial applications has been placed in the spotlight aiming to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Now, food retailers and industry organizations are jointly rallying [...]

Is CO2 Giving Ammonia a Run for Its Money in the World of Industrial Refrigeration?

Since the early 1900s, ammonia has long been used as a major refrigerant in industrial refrigeration. Due to its thermodynamic properties, ammonia (NH3, R717) is used as a common refrigerant for large-scale, industrial applications and considered as a foundation for food processing and cold storage. As the use of natural refrigerants evolves, and through the advancement of technology in the [...]

By |2023-05-22T14:36:48+00:00April 26, 2021|Refrigeration Systems, Second Nature & CO2|0 Comments

Debunking Myths on the Use of CO2 as a Refrigerant

In the mid-19th century, carbon dioxide was being used as a reliable and efficient refrigerant. However, with the introduction and wide use of synthetic refrigerants, such as HFCs and CFCs, the utilization of CO2 in industrial and commercial refrigeration decreased. Today, new refrigeration regulations are in place with the goal to reduce the use of harmful refrigerants. As a result, [...]

By |2023-05-22T14:35:27+00:00April 9, 2021|Refrigeration Systems, Second Nature & CO2|0 Comments

Food Retailers’ Roles for a More Sustainable Future

Whether for the protection of the earth’s ozone layer and or the conservation of our finite natural resources have started to diminish, regulations on environmental protection continue to emerge. Starting with the Montreal Protocol down to the Paris Climate Agreement, a number of policies have been implemented to promote sustainability across different sectors. In our industry, sustainability and climate change [...]

Natural Refrigerants Cutting Energy Cost Around the World

Rising temperatures, climate change, and the recent pandemic are among the health and environmental challenges facing many industries. The refrigeration industry is one of the industries affected by these issues through, among other changes, sustainable and stringent refrigerant regulations to protect the environment.   This year, 2021, is a pivotal year for the refrigeration industry when it comes to new [...]

By |2023-05-22T14:40:48+00:00March 2, 2021|Refrigeration Systems, Second Nature & CO2|0 Comments

Why Using Propane as a Refrigerant in the Food Retail Industry is a Way Forward

As the food retail industry seeks alternative refrigerants beyond HFC’s due to environmental concerns, it is sensible to focus our attention on the increasingly viable alternative which is R290, or commonly called Propane. As a refrigerant, R290 has not caught on as quickly in North America, but it is frequently used in other parts of the world. For example, in [...]

By |2023-05-22T14:46:29+00:00February 12, 2021|Refrigeration Systems, Second Nature & CO2|0 Comments

New CARB Regulations Push Rise in Demand for Natural Refrigerants

The new California Air Resources Board (CARB) refrigerant regulations approved in December 2020 are expected to lead to increased adoption of natural refrigerants in the industry. Given the nature of the new regulations, which encourage the use of refrigerants with a low Global Warming Potential (GWP), natural refrigerants fit the bill. The new CARB regulation is in accordance with CARB’s goal [...]

By |2023-05-22T14:45:42+00:00February 8, 2021|Refrigeration Systems, Second Nature & CO2|0 Comments

How Existing and Upcoming Refrigeration Regulations Will Affect Your Business Operations

Rising sea levels, the slow erosion of the earth’s ozone layer, and the threat of global warming have enacted environmental policies in different industries around the world. The commercial refrigeration industry is no exception. Ever since the Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol were put in place to protect the stratospheric ozone layer and reduce greenhouse gas emissions respectively, several states [...]

By |2023-05-22T14:48:21+00:00January 29, 2021|Refrigeration Systems, Second Nature & CO2|0 Comments

Transcritical CO2 System in South America Found to Offer Superior Energy Efficiency

By Franco Sebastián D'Aprile, Jan 12, 2021, 05:00 GMT-5. A transcritical CO2 (R744) system installed last year at an existing distribution center in Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia, South America (near Medellín), has so far reduced energy consumption by 45% compared to a new conventional fluorinated system, according to the equipment distributor for Columbia, which installed the system. Given this savings, and [...]

By |2023-05-22T14:49:21+00:00January 12, 2021|Refrigeration Systems, Second Nature & CO2|0 Comments

Transcritical CO2 System in South America Found to Offer Superior Energy Efficiency

By Franco Sebastián D'Aprile, Jan 12, 2021, 05:00 GMT-5. A transcritical CO2 (R744) system installed last year at an existing distribution center in Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia, South America (near Medellín), has so far reduced energy consumption by 45% compared to a new conventional fluorinated system, according to the equipment distributor for Columbia, which installed the system. Given this savings, and [...]

By |2023-05-22T14:49:04+00:00January 12, 2021|Refrigeration Systems, Second Nature & CO2|0 Comments
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