Food Retail

Are Robots the Future of Grocery Stores?

The evolution in the food retail industry as we know it has completely changed over the past few months. E-commerce stores have shot up, automation has been widely adopted in the food retail industry to keep up with the demands of consumers and technology has significantly impacted our industry for the better. Now, with the proliferation of intelligent machines in [...]

By |2021-12-31T11:49:57+00:00December 31, 2021|Food Retail, Supermarket|0 Comments

Food Safety in the Time of COVID-19

The fears over the Coronavirus (COVID-19) have led to anxiety over food safety throughout the world. In the United States alone, 64% of American consumers said they are avoiding eating out in the hope of eliminating the risk of contracting the virus. According to recent research, food safety trumps taste and is the number one priority for consumers in buying [...]

By |2021-12-31T11:49:57+00:00December 31, 2021|Food Retail, Food Safety|0 Comments

Food-Retail Establishments: Creatively Supporting Customers and Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has unprecedentedly changed the world and how we do business. Many businesses have suspended operations due to government mandates or fears over spreading the coronavirus. However, essential industries such as healthcare, finance, and supermarkets have remained in service during this health crisis. Supermarkets and grocery stores, eager to do their part in alleviating the crisis and flattening [...]

By |2021-12-31T11:49:57+00:00December 31, 2021|Food Retail, Food Safety, Foodservice, Supermarket, Trends|0 Comments

How Food-Retailers Could Maximize Online Technology during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Many consumers have taken their grocery shopping online during the COVID pandemic. Online shopping has shown a significant surge of adoption over the past few weeks. Post pandemic, it is estimated that this trend will continue and food-retailers should strategize how to maximize online technology for short- and long-term benefits and implement resources for their customers. Enhancing Customer Experience A [...]

By |2021-12-31T11:49:57+00:00December 31, 2021|Food Retail, Foodservice|0 Comments

Merchandising Tips for Food Retail Amid COVID-19

The beginning of 2020 has been an eventful one, to say the least. The world has been turned upside down as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and grocery stores have been designated as essential businesses supplying the necessary resources to feed and provide for their customers. As a result, businesses are also needing to rethink their store layout and [...]

Food-retail Companies Give Back to Vulnerable Communities Affected by Coronavirus Pandemic

The Coronavirus outbreak has been very challenging to all of us; most especially to the vulnerable sectors in our community like senior citizens, children, and family members belonging to low-income households. Due to COVID-19, food insecurity has been prevalent and food-retail corporations are working together with charitable, not-for-profit organizations to give the communities in need all the support they can [...]

By |2021-12-31T11:49:57+00:00December 31, 2021|Food Retail, Supermarket|0 Comments

Moving Forward: What Has the Food Retail Industry Learned so Far During COVID

It has been four months since the Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the food retail industry. Restrictions were put in place, consumer buying behavior abruptly shifted and food retailers have adapted their strategies to keep things afloat.   As we move to the 3rd quarter of 2020, and we go on with our operations one cautious step at a time, here [...]

By |2021-12-31T11:49:57+00:00December 31, 2021|Food Retail, Supermarket|0 Comments

Supermarket Food Bars: Are There Better Days Ahead?

It has been a rough road for some food retailers ever since the pandemic hit. Some grocery departments like fresh produce, meat, and center store have been booming, while self-service areas have predominantly dipped in sales. For self-service areas like food bars that have been frowned upon due to health and sanitary concerns, its present state is uncertain. But, will [...]

By |2021-12-31T11:49:57+00:00December 31, 2021|Display Case, Food Retail, Food Safety, Supermarket|0 Comments

C-Stores Gaining Traction Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

C-stores are seeing a rise in consumer spending in recent months due to reasons like proximity, convenience and safety. However, as consumers’ buying behavior changes, they are also demanding for more available products – not just shelf stable items – indicating a wave of opportunities coming for the channel. Consumer Rise in Spending and Demand Convenience stores' total spending boosted [...]

By |2021-12-31T11:49:57+00:00December 31, 2021|Convenience Store, Display Case, Food Retail|0 Comments

The Future is Accelerated: Full-on E-commerce Adoption is Just Around the Corner

The past few months have accelerated the digital strategies of some food retailers in the country. Some implemented makeshift e-commerce platforms to cater to customer needs and some reinforced their in-store online initiatives, like store mobile apps, in the hope of adapting in today’s innovative times. Due to recent events, we were greatly propelled into a shift to the digital [...]

By |2021-12-31T11:49:57+00:00December 31, 2021|Food Retail, Supermarket|0 Comments
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